class: middle .left-column[  ] .right-column[ # Testing Stateful Systems with ScalaCheck ## Rickard Nilsson ## @scalacheck ## ScalaDays 2014, Berlin ] --- # PART I # Very Quick ScalaCheck Intro # PART II # ScalaCheck Commands API # PART III # ScalaCheck Commands Examples --- # ScalaCheck is Property-based Testing ```scala scala> import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll scala> val propertyReverseList = | forAll { xs: List[Int] => | xs.reverse.reverse == xs | } scala> propertyReverseList.check + OK, passed 100 tests. ``` --- # What is a Property? ## "Plus is a commutative operator" ```scala x + y == y + x ``` ## "Compression should make things smaller" ```scala compress(input).size < input.size ``` ## "Round-trip encode/decode" ```scala decode(encode(input)) == input ``` --- # Shameless Plug - OUT NOW!! .big-image2[  ] 15% discount code: SCALADAYS2014 --- # PART II # ScalaCheck Commands API --- # Disclaimers ## Work In Progress All code in this presentation use ScalaCheck 1.12.0-SNAPSHOT Feedback and contributions are much appreciated! ## Heavily inspired by Quviq's QuickCheck for Erlang * * Testing LevelDB - * Testing Riak - --- # What About State? ```scala class Database { ... } ``` ```scala val propertyDatabase = ??? ``` The contents of a database are the result of a **sequence of state-mutating commands**. How can we check that the database behaves correctly? --- # Specifying Stateful Systems For ordinary properties, ScalaCheck generates random input values and evaluates a boolean expression. --- # Specifying Stateful Systems For ordinary properties, ScalaCheck generates random input values and evaluates a boolean expression. For stateful systems, we can let the input be a sequence of commands, and evaluate a post-condition for each command. --- # Specifying Stateful Systems For ordinary properties, ScalaCheck generates random input values and evaluates a boolean expression. For stateful systems, we can let the input be a sequence of commands, and evaluate a post-condition for each command. **Can we wrap this up in a simple model that ScalaCheck can understand?** --- # Modeling Commands ## Simplest possible model ```scala trait Command { def run(): Boolean } ``` --- # System Under Test ```scala case class Counter(private var n: Int = 0) { def increment(): Int = { n = n + 1 n } def get: Int = n } ``` --- # Modeling Commands ```scala case object Increment extends Command { def run(): Boolean = { val n = myCounter.increment() n == ??? } } ``` How can we decide if `increment()` did the right thing? We don't know what the system looked like before the command ran! --- # Introducing State ```scala type State = Long ``` ```scala trait Increment extends Command { def run(state: State): Boolean = { myCounter.increment() == state + 1 } def nextState(state: State): State = { state + 1 } } ``` --- # Perfecting the Model ```scala trait Commands { type Sut type State trait Command { type Result def run(sut: Sut): Result def postCondition(state: State, result: Try[Result]): Prop def nextState(state: State): State def preCondition(state: State): Boolean } ... ``` --- # Missing pieces ```scala trait Commands { ... def newSut(state: State): Sut def destroySut(sut: Sut): Unit def genInitialState: Gen[State] def genCommand(state: State): Gen[Command] } ``` --- # A Counter Example ```scala object CounterCommands extends Commands { import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary import org.scalacheck.Gen.oneOf type Sut = Counter type State = Long def newSut(state: State) = new Counter(state.toInt) def genInitialState = arbitrary[Int].map(_.toLong) def genCommand(state: State) = oneOf(Increment, Get) ... ``` --- # A Counter Example: Increment ```scala case object Increment extends Command { type Result = Int def run(counter: Sut) = counter.increment() def nextState(s: State) = s + 1 def preCondition(s: State) = true def postCondition(s: State, result: Try[Int]) = result == Success(s + 1) } ``` --- # A Counter Example: Get ```scala case object Get extends Command { type Result = Int def run(counter: Sut) = counter.get def nextState(s: State) = s def preCondition(s: State) = true def postCondition(s: State, result: Try[Int]) = result == Success(s) } ``` --- # From State Machine to Property ```scala val counterProp: Prop = ``` This is a plain ScalaCheck property, that can be tested just like any other property. All the usual parameters can be used, like `minSuccessfulTests`, `workers` etc. On each evaluation of the property, a new `Sut` instance is prepared, and a random sequence of commands is generated and executed. --- # From State Machine to Property ```scala scala> counterProp.check ``` --- # From State Machine to Property ```scala scala> counterProp.check ! Falsified after 9 passed tests. > Labels of failing property: seqcmds = (state = 2147483647) (Increment => -2147483648) > ARG_0: Actions(2147483647,List(Increment),List()) > ARG_0_ORIGINAL: Actions(2147483647,List(Increment, Increment, Get, Increment, Get, Get, Increment, Get, Get),List()) ``` --- # Sweep it under the rug ... ```scala case object Increment extends Command { def preCondition(s: State) = s < Int.MaxValue ... } ``` --- # ... or scream loudly ```scala case class Counter(private var n: Int = 0) { def increment() = if (n < Int.MaxValue) n = n + 1; n else throw new Exception } case object Increment extends Command { def nextState(s: State) = if (s == Int.MaxValue) s else s + 1 def postCondition(s: State, result: Try[Int]) = if (s >= Int.MaxValue) result.isFailure else result == Success(s + 1) } ``` --- # Either way ```scala scala> counterProp.check + OK, passed 100 tests. ``` --- # Testing Thread Safety ```scala val counterProp: Prop = threadCount = 3 ) ``` --- # Testing Thread Safety ```scala scala> counterProp.check ``` --- # Testing Thread Safety ```scala scala> counterProp.check ! Falsified after 6 passed tests. > Labels of failing property: initialstate = 0 seqcmds = (Get => 0; Increment => 1; Increment => 2; Increment => 3; Increment => 4; Increment => 5) parcmds = (Increment => 6; Increment => 7; Increment => 8; Get => 8; Get => 8; Get => 8; Increment => 9), (Get => 9; Get => 9; Increment => 10; Increment => 11; Get => 11; Get => 11; Increment => 12; Get => 12), (Get => 11; Increment => 12; Get => 12; Increment => 13; Increment => 14; Get => 14; Increment => 15; Increment => 16) ``` --- # Testing Thread Safety `Increment` ran 17 times, but the highest return value was 16! We have a race condition in our `Counter` code: ```scala def increment(): Int = { n = n + 1; n } ``` We didn't change anything in our state machine to find this bug, we just bumped the number of threads ScalaCheck uses to run the commands. **How does it work?** --- # Sequential Phase ```scala Get => 0; Increment => 1; Increment => 2; Increment => 3; Increment => 4; Increment => 5 ``` Postconditions are checked after each command run. In each step, a new state is calculated with `Command.nextState()` and fed to the `postCondition()` method of the next command. --- # Parallel Phase Three command sequences run in parallel. ```scala Increment => 6; Increment => 7; Increment => 8; Get => 8; Get => 8; Get => 8; Increment => 9 Get => 9; Get => 9; Increment => 10; Increment => 11; Get => 11; Get => 11; Increment => 12; Get => 12 Get => 11; Increment => 12; Get => 12; Increment => 13; Increment => 14; Get => 14; Increment => 15; Increment => 16 ``` We can't check any postconditions since the commands might be interleaved in any way. --- # Parallel Phase .big-image[  ] --- # Parallel Phase We calculate all possible command transitions, and the possible end states they would result in. The final command that runs in the parallel phase must be the last command of one of the threads. Therefore, we can check the post condition of each possible last command against each possible last state. --- # PART III # ScalaCheck Commands Examples --- # Testing Redis ## Modeling the state ```scala case class State ( contents: Map[String,String], deleted: Set[String], connected: Boolean ) ``` ## System Under Test ```scala type Sut = RedisClient ``` --- # Redis Commands example: Get ```scala case class Get(key: String) extends Command { type Result = Option[String] def run(sut: Sut) = sut.get(key) def preCondition(s: State) = s.connected def nextState(s: State) = s def postCondition(s: State, r: Try[Option[String]]) = r == Success(s.contents.get(key)) } ``` --- # Redis Commands example: Get ```scala val genGet: Gen[Get] = def genGetExisting(state: State): Gen[Get] = if(state.contents.isEmpty) genGet else for { key <- oneOf(state.contents.keys.toSeq) } yield Get(key) def genGetDeleted(state: State): Gen[Get] = if(state.deleted.isEmpty) genGet else for { key <- oneOf(state.deleted.toSeq) } yield Get(key) ``` --- # Redis Commands example: Delete ```scala case class Del(keys: Seq[String]) extends Command { type Result = Option[Long] def run(sut: RedisClient) = if(keys.isEmpty) Some(0) else sut.del(keys.head, keys.tail: _*) def nextState(s: State) = s.copy( contents = s.contents -- keys, deleted = s.deleted ++ keys ) def postCondition(s: State, r: Try[Option[Long]]) = { val n = s.contents.filterKeys(keys.contains).size r == Success(Some(n)) } ``` --- # Redis Commands example: Delete ```scala val genDel: Gen[Del] = nonEmptyListOf(genKey).map(Del) def genDelExisting(state: State): Gen[Del] = if(state.contents.isEmpty) genDel else someOf(state.contents.keys.toSeq).map(Del) def genDelDeleted(state: State): Gen[Del] = if(state.deleted.isEmpty) genDel else someOf(state.deleted.toSeq).map(Del) def genDelAll(state: State): Gen[Del] = const(Del(state.contents.keys.toSeq)) ``` --- # Testing Redis ## It can make sense to model things that is not really part of the system state, like deleted keys ## Implement generic commands and specialised generators --- # Testing Redis ## Example project in ScalaCheck's repository examples/commands-redis [] ## Implemented Commands ```scala DBSize, FlushDB, Del, Get, Set, Disconnect, Connect ``` --- # Testing Stateful Server Networks ## Idea Let ScalaCheck generate a network of virtual machines and execute a sequence of commands that verifies the overall system functionality ## Proof of concept project in ScalaCheck's repository examples/commands-nix [] --- # Generating Virtual Machines ## Introducing NixOS [NixOS]( is a Linux distribution based on the functional build tool and package manager Nix. It lets you define servers in a declarative fashion. ``` { boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda"; fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/sda1"; services.sshd.enable = true; } ``` --- # Defining a Network State ```scala type State = List[Machine] case class Machine ( id: String, uuid: java.util.UUID, ip: String, kernelVer: String, memory: Int, running: Boolean ) ``` --- # Defining a Network State ```scala def genMachine(id: String): Gen[Machine] = for { uuid <- Gen.uuid ip <- Gen.choose(2,254).map(n => s"172.16.2.$n") memory <- Gen.choose(96, 256) kernel <- Gen.oneOf("3.14", "3.13", "3.12", "3.10") } yield Machine( id, uuid, ip, kernel, memory, false ) ``` --- # The System Under Test [libvirt]( and [QEMU]( manage the virtual machines. ```scala type Sut = Map[String, org.libvirt.Domain] ``` ```scala def newSut(state: State): Sut = { val con = new org.libvirt.Connect("qemu:///session") toLibvirtXMLs(state) map { case (id,xml) => id -> con.domainDefineXML(xml) } } ``` `toLibvirtXMLs` create NixOS configs for all machines, and then calls out to `nix-build` to build XML-files that `libvirt` can use. --- # Generating NixOS configuration ```scala def toNixMachine(m: Machine): String = raw""" deployment.libvirt = { netdevs.netdev0.mac = "$$MAC0"; memory = ${m.memory}; uuid = "${m.uuid}"; }; networking.hostName = "${}"; networking.interfaces.eth0 = { ipAddress = "${m.ip}"; prefixLength = 24; }; boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_${m.kernelVer.replace('.','_')}; """ ``` --- # A Ping Command ```scala case class Ping(from: Machine, to: Machine) { type Result = Boolean def run(sut: Sut) = runSshCmd(from.ip, s"fping -c 1 ${to.ip}") match { case Right(_) => true; case Left(_) => false } def nextState(s: State) = s def preCondition(s: State) = from.running def postCondition(s: State, r: Try[Boolean]) = r == Success(to.running) } ``` --- # Testing Stateful Server Networks ## The generated network could be nodes in a distributed database. Or an actor system. Or any server system. ## NixOS allows for true integration tests. Any component of the complete system can be turned into a parameter in the state model. ## More work needed to package this in a useable format. --- # Wrap Up ## Property-based testing can be applied to more than immutable functions! ## The Commands API needs more evaluation and polishing. Will land in ScalaCheck 1.12.0 ## ScalaCheck can be a core engine in a custom testing setup ## ScalaCheck + NixOS is an interesting fit --- # Questions?